The Science Behind the Beauty
The 21st century has made incredible leaps and bounds. The last century saw mankind go from horse and buggy to the automobile. From mountains to the moon, and from high deathrates to penicillin. We live longer, drive further and faster, and enjoy more leisure than most societies in history. That leisure often translates to sun exposure, and sun exposure ages our skin, it loses its elasticity and punch. The glow fades, and the wrinkles move in. And lest we forget, time has its own way with our skin. By the age of 30, our collagen production, one of the most plentiful proteins in our body, begins to slow. That means the nice firmness we enjoyed in our youth begins to slump, leaving our skin unsupported and less resilient with more wrinkles. There is nothing wrong with wrinkles. They are a natural progression of sun and time damage. Our ancestors all dealt with them, BUT it is the 21st century and there isn’t anything wrong with diminishing wrinkles and sun damage either.