Justin Cook

“I’ve kept an eye on the Viora V20 for over 5 years. I thought, at first, the results I was hearing about were a fad or, worse, fabricated. Instead, Vioramed has only enhanced this machine with improved technology, and the results.  well, I want our clients to start chiming in, but when I catch my clinicians treating each other in their down time, and my friends report that people are starting to notice their younger skin and faces.  it’s very very rewarding. You CAN keep your skin looking younger. You CAN minimize blemishes, and perform long term hair loss without long recovery times, AND without needles or harsh chemicals. The drawback is it takes time to create healthy momentum for the skin to replenish and heal. We believe everyone who sits in our chair is already beautiful, strong, and loved. Your chair time with us is just a chance to remember that and walk away with a reminder”.

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